Xbox 360 Hard Drive Replacement

If you need to expand your storage space in your Xbox but don’t want to pay Microsoft prices for a new drive. Follow these instructions to get the most out of your hard drive.

Materials Needed:


  • USB Flash Drive, any size will do, the files you add are about 3MB        
  • Small screwdriver
  • Laptop If you are reading these instructions from the laptop you plan to use, copy, paste and print the instructions from Step 3 to the end.
  • Formated/wiped Western Digital SATA hard drive, laptop size. You can get this from anywhere, I used one from an old, broken laptop. The largest you need is a 320GB. Since Microsoft does not sell any larger than a 320GB
  • Xbox 360 hard drive case (you can get this from Amazon for less than $10)


  • Bootable USB Drive Creator Tool. If you already have a way that you use to make a USB bootable you can use that instead.
  • HDDSS.bin file – link provided in Step 2
  • HDD Hackr file. – link provided in Step 2
  • File extractor of your choice to unzip the .rar files you have downloaded

Step 1 Prepare USB drive


These instructions use the Bootable USB Drive Creator Tool to make the USB drive bootable. If you have another preferred method please use that and continue on to Step 2.

      1. Insert USB Drive
      2. Right Click on the Bootable USB Drive Creator Tool and select Run as administrator
      3. In Device Select the USB Drive that you wish to make bootable. Formatting your USB Drive will erase everything on it, make sure that you make a back up if necessary.
      4. MSDOSFilesCheck the box Create Bootable Drive
      5. Click on the box with the 3 dots and find the MS-DOS file that came with the Bootable USB Drive Creator Tool. Once you have located the file click OK. If you don’t know where this file is try using the search in your start menu. It will give you the path you need to follow to find the file in the drop down.
      6. Click Start

Step 2 Get the right files

  1.  To get the HDDSS.bin file, Select a link from the list below that is nearest to the size of the hard drive that you have but not over. Once you have been directed to the link download the .rar file. You are restricted to the sizes of hard drives that Microsoft has released for the Xbox.

2. HDD Hackr file. Select this link and download the latest version.

3. Unzip and add all the files to the USB drive

4. Make sure that the name of the .bin file reads HDDSS.bin


Step 3 Prepare laptop

***If the laptop that you are planning to use to format the hard drive is the one you are reading the instructions from you will need to copy, paste and print the rest of these instructions. At this point you will be powering off the laptop and removing the hard drive of the computer that you are using to format the hard drive.***


  1. Power off, unplug and turn over the laptop that will be doing the formatting.
  2. Locate the hard drive door. If there are two access doors this should be the bigger of the two.
  3. Using your screwdriver remove the door.
  4. Observe how the hard drive is situated in the bay. If it helps take a picture so you can easily replace the drive when you are done.
  5. Carefully remove the hard drive. Note that in some computers there may be a small adapter attached to the hard drive. If you observe this remove it from the laptop drive and plug it into the Xbox drive.
  6. Place the Xbox drive in the laptop justTapeToSecure as the original drive was placed. You do not need to add the drive to the frame or attach the bay door unless you want to. You can use tape to hold the drive in place until the formatting is complete.
  7. CAREFULLY turn over the laptop, ensuring that the drive does not fall out.
  8. Insert the Bootable USB drive with all the necessary files.

Step 4 Format the drive

  1. Turn on the laptop and press the F-key that will change your boot order. This prompt can come fast so be prepared. If you miss it power off and try again until you are successful. If you don’t see a prompt to change boot order try hitting F9, F2, or F10. Different computers and motherboards require different F-keys.
  2. When you are successful you will see the screen below. If you receive the error “BOOTMGR NOT FOUND” your USB drive was not formatted correctly to be bootable. Repeat Step 1 Prepare USB Drive. And again add the files from Step 2 Get the right files.BootMenu
  3. Using the arrow keys select the USB option and hit enter.
  4. When you obtain a C:\ prompt, type HDDHackr and hit Enter.
  5. Enter the number of  the ATA drive that matches the description of the hard drive that you placed in the laptop and hit Enter.
  6. Type F for flash and Enter.
  7. Type the name of the .bin file that you downloaded, this should be HDDSS.bin, Enter
  8. Type UNDO.bin, Enter
  9. Y for yes, Enter. Wait until complete.
  10. Congratulations, you have just successfully formatted a new hard drive for your Xbox!!
  11. Power off the laptop, remove the hard drive and restore the laptop to its original state.
  12. Once you have removed the hard drive place it in the hard drive case. The hard drive will fit in the Xbox without a case; However, I do not recommend this, there is no support for the drive and no way to prevent the drive from causing damage to itself and the Xbox.

Case1 Case2 Case3

Step 5 Place drive in your Xbox


Now might be a good time to back up the information on your Xbox.

  1. Unplug all cords from the Xbox
  2. Locate the button that opens the trap door.
  3. InsertDriveCasePush in the button and pull off the door.
  4. You will now see the hard drive bay.Firmly insert the hard drive and its case into the bay. You should feel it pop into place.
  5. Plug the cords an wires back into the Xbox, and power it on.

Step 6 Formatting in the Xbox

  1. After you sign in go to the Settings menu.Unformatted
  2. Choose Storage. In this menu highlight the Unformatted Drive.
  3. Press the Y button on the controller for Device Options.
  4. Choose Format.
  5. Once the Drive is formatted you will see the new memory that you have available.

I used a 160GB drive, and the 120GB HDDSS.bin file. I didn’t get the full 120GB but 106GB is much better than 4GB.Formatted

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If you have any questions or find that any of the instructions are unclear or wrong feel free to leave me a comment I will attempt to answer or fix any issues that arise.

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